record temperature and humidity

Posted 19 days ago by Seadav Mq

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Seadav Mq

Currently temperature and humidity is not recorded but it is an important indicator

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Christopher Turner posted 18 days ago Admin

Hi Seadav,

Not at the moment but this is something we can look at for a future update.

Thanks for the suggestion.


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Seadav Mq posted 19 days ago

Thanks, I was able to export it. Initially I mean in the app actually. Is it possible to see a temperature/humidity curves as for others like co2, etc

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Christopher Turner posted 19 days ago Admin

Hi Seadav,

The temperature and humidity readings, as well as the all the other readings from the Airmonitor are stored for 30 days and can be exported to a .csv file. 

Please follow these steps to download the readings.

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